# QtPromise::attempt

Since: 0.4.0

QtPromise::attempt(Functor functor, Args...) -> QPromise<R>

// With:
// - Functor: Function(Args...) -> R | QPromise<R>

Calls functor immediately and returns a promise fulfilled with the value returned by functor. Any synchronous exceptions will be turned into rejections on the returned promise. This is a convenient method that can be used instead of handling both synchronous and asynchronous exception flows.

The type R of the output promise depends on the type returned by the functor function. If functor returns a promise (or QFuture), the output promise is delayed and will be resolved by the returned promise.

QPromise<QByteArray> download(const QUrl& url);

QPromise<QByteArray> process(const QUrl& url)
    return QtPromise::attempt([&]() {
        if (!url.isValid()) {
            throw InvalidUrlException{};

        return download(url);

auto output = process(url);

// 'output' type: QPromise<QByteArray>
output.then([](const QByteArray& res) {
    // {...}
}).fail([](const InvalidUrlException& error) {
    // {...}