# Getting Started

# Installation

# Using CMake

Since: 0.6.0

If your project uses CMake (opens new window) as build system, QtPromise can be installed using the FetchContent module. Please refer to the CMake (FetchContent) section for details of using this method.

# Using qpm

If your project is configured to use qpm (opens new window), QtPromise can be installed using the following command:

 qpm install com.github.simonbrunel.qtpromise

See also: com.github.simonbrunel.qtpromise (opens new window)

# Using Git

If your project uses Git (opens new window) as version control system, QtPromise can be installed either as a subtree or a submodule. Read more about these commands in "Git: submodules vs subtrees" (opens new window) which provides a good comparison between these two workflows.

The following examples install QtPromise version 0.7.0 under the 3rdparty/qtpromise subdirectory. Note that the install directory is arbitrary and can be any empty directory under your repository. Once installed, refer to the CMake or qmake sections for details of integrating QtPromise into your project.

# subtree

cd <your/project/repository>
git remote add qtpromise https://github.com/simonbrunel/qtpromise.git
git subtree add -P 3rdparty/qtpromise qtpromise v0.7.0 --squash -m "Add QtPromise v0.7.0"

# submodule

cd <your/project/repository>
git submodule add https://github.com/simonbrunel/qtpromise.git 3rdparty/qtpromise
cd 3rdparty/qtpromise
git checkout v0.7.0
cd ../..
git add 3rdparty/qtpromise
git commit -m "Add QtPromise v0.7.0"

# Download

QtPromise can be downloaded from the GitHub release page (opens new window) as a zip or tar.gz archive. Under Linux, you can use the following commands:

cd <your/project/repository>
wget -q -O qtpromise.tar.gz https://github.com/simonbrunel/qtpromise/archive/v0.7.0.tar.gz
tar xzf qtpromise.tar.gz --strip 1 --one-top-level=3rdparty/qtpromise
rm qtpromise.tar.gz

# Integration

QtPromise is a header-only (opens new window) library. Integrating it within your project consists only in configuring the include path(s) to the library headers. To simplify this step, qmake and CMake integrations are provided.

# CMake

Since: 0.6.0

After installing QtPromise using Git or the download method, you can use the add_subdirectory (opens new window) command to make its targets available to your CMake project:


target_link_libraries(<target> qtpromise)

# CMake (FetchContent)

Since: 0.6.0

Alternatively, the FetchContent (opens new window) module (CMake 3.11+) allows to install QtPromise from your CMake project at configure time:


  GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/simonbrunel/qtpromise.git
  GIT_TAG v0.7.0

# CMake v3.14+

target_link_libraries(<target> qtpromise)

If your CMake version is prior to v3.14, you need to explicitly define the population steps:

# CMake v3.11+ (alternative for FetchContent_MakeAvailable)
if(NOT qtpromise_POPULATED)

# qmake

After installing QtPromise using Git or the download method, you can include (opens new window) qtpromise.pri file from the install directory:


# Example

To start using QtPromise in your code, you first need to include the single module header:

#include <QtPromise>

The following download function creates a promise from callbacks which will be resolved when the network request is finished:

QtPromise::QPromise<QByteArray> download(const QUrl& url)
    return QtPromise::QPromise<QByteArray>{[&](
        const QtPromise::QPromiseResolve<QByteArray>& resolve,
        const QtPromise::QPromiseReject<QByteArray>& reject) {

        QNetworkReply* reply = manager->get(QNetworkRequest{url});
        QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [=]() {
            if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
            } else {


The following method uncompress data in a separate thread and returns a promise from QFuture:

QtPromise::QPromise<Entries> uncompress(const QByteArray& data)
    return QtPromise::resolve(QtConcurrent::run([](const QByteArray& data) {
        Entries entries;

        // {...} uncompress data and parse content.

        if (error) {
            throw MalformedException{};

        return entries;
    }, data));

It's then easy to chain the whole asynchronous process using promises:

  • initiate the promise chain by downloading a specific URL,
  • then and only if download succeeded, uncompress received data,
  • then validate and process the uncompressed entries,
  • finally perform operations whatever the process succeeded or failed,
  • and handle specific errors using fail.
download(url).then(&uncompress).then([](const Entries& entries) {
    if (entries.isEmpty()) {
        throw UpdateException{"No entries"};
    // {...} process entries
}).finally([]() {
    // {...} cleanup
}).fail([](QNetworkReply::NetworkError error) {
    // {...} handle network error
}).fail([](const UpdateException& error) {
    // {...} handle update error
}).fail([]() {
    // {...} catch all

Note that MalformedException in the example above is thrown from a QtConcurrent thread and should meet specific conditions.